Confirmed and expected announcements from the Cavendish tech universe.
Cavendish corporate clients are bold and underlined.
Please note that unconfirmed dates are based on historic data, adjusted to the same weekday within a week of that date.
This calendar is updated regularly. For additions and adjustments please contact
This month |
23/12/24 | Accesso Technology Group plc | Accesso Technology Group plc FY24 Trading Update | |
27/12/24 | Gfinity plc | Gfinity plc FY24 Results | |
27/12/24 | Mobile Streams plc | Mobile Streams plc FY24 Results | |
Next month |
08/01/25 | Quartix Technologies PLC | Quartix Technologies plc FY24 Trading Update | |
15/01/25 | Pulsar Group PLC | Pulsar Group PLC FY24 Trading Update | |
16/01/25 | Nexteq PLC | Nexteq PLC FY24 Trading Update | |
16/01/25 | Tialis Essential IT PLC | Tialis Essential IT PLC FY24 Trading Update | |
16/01/25 | Essensys plc | Essensys plc FY24 AGM | |
17/01/25 | GetBusy Plc | GetBusy plc FY24 Trading Update | |
20/01/25 | SRT Marine Systems plc | SRT Marine Systems plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
21/01/25 | Maintel Holdings Plc | Maintel Holdings plc FY24 Trading Update | |
21/01/25 | Cordel Group PLC | Cordel Group plc 1H25 Results | |
22/01/25 | Crimson Tide Plc | Crimson Tide Plc FY24 Trading Update | |
22/01/25 | Eleco Plc | Eleco plc FY24 Trading Update | |
23/01/25 | Fonix plc | Fonix plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
23/01/25 | SRT Marine Systems plc | SRT Marine Systems plc FY24 AGM | Confirmed |
28/01/25 | Team Internet Group plc | Team Internet Group plc FY24 Trading Update and Q4 Results | |
28/01/25 | SmartTech247 Group plc | SmartTech247 Group plc FY24 Results | |
29/01/25 | Idox plc | Idox plc FY24 Results | |
30/01/25 | DotDigital Group PLC | dotDigital Group plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
30/01/25 | Pebble Beach Systems Group PLC | Pebble Beach Systems Group plc FY24 Trading Update | |
30/01/25 | Fadel Partners, Inc. | Fadel Partners, Inc. FY24 Trading Update | |
31/01/25 | Cerillion plc | Cerillion plc FY24 AGM | |
February 2025 |
04/02/25 | Filtronic plc | Filtronic plc 1H24 Results | Confirmed |
05/02/25 | PCI-PAL PLC | PCI-PAL plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
20/02/25 | Arcontech Group PLC | Arcontech Group plc 1H25 Results | |
20/02/25 | KRM22 Plc | KRM22 plc FY24 Trading Update | |
25/02/25 | Engage XR Holdings PLC | ENGAGE XR Holdings PLC FY24 Trading Update | |
26/02/25 | PCI-PAL PLC | PCI-PAL plc 1H25 Results | |
March 2025 |
03/03/25 | Quartix Technologies PLC | Quartix Technologies plc FY24 Results | |
04/03/25 | DotDigital Group PLC | dotDigital Group plc 1H25 Results | |
05/03/25 | Nexxen International Ltd. | Nexxen International Ltd. FY24 and 4Q22 Results | |
10/03/25 | 1Spatial Plc | 1Spatial Plc FY25 Trading Update | |
11/03/25 | Fonix plc | Fonix plc 1H25 Results | |
12/03/25 | Nexteq PLC | Nexteq PLC FY24 Results | |
17/03/25 | Team Internet Group plc | Team Internet Group plc FY24 Results | |
18/03/25 | Celebrus Technologies PLC | Celebrus Technologies PLC FY25 Trading Update | |
21/03/25 | Intercede Group plc | Intercede Group plc FY25 Trading Update | |
25/03/25 | GetBusy Plc | GetBusy plc FY24 Results | |
25/03/25 | Pebble Beach Systems Group PLC | Pebble Beach Systems Group plc FY24 Results | |
25/03/25 | K3 Business Technology Group PLC | K3 Business Technology Group plc FY24 Results | |
26/03/25 | Quartix Technologies PLC | Quartix Technologies plc FY24 AGM & Trading Update | |
April 2025 |
01/04/25 | Cordel Group PLC | Cordel Group plc FY25 Trading Update | |
07/04/25 | Intercede Group plc | Intercede Group plc FY25 Trading Update | |
10/04/25 | iomart Group plc | iomart Group plc FY25 Trading Update | |
14/04/25 | Audioboom Group PLC | Audioboom Group plc FY24 Results | |
14/04/25 | Engage XR Holdings PLC | ENGAGE XR Holdings PLC FY24 Results | |
15/04/25 | Nexteq PLC | Nexteq PLC FY24 AGM | |
16/04/25 | Crimson Tide Plc | Crimson Tide Plc FY24 Results | |
17/04/25 | Team Internet Group plc | Team Internet Group plc FY24 AGM & 1Q23 Trading Update | |
21/04/25 | Cerillion plc | Cerillion plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
22/04/25 | Eleco Plc | Eleco plc FY24 Results | |
22/04/25 | SRT Marine Systems plc | SRT Marine Systems plc 1H25 Results | |
23/04/25 | 1Spatial Plc | 1Spatial Plc FY25 Results | |
24/04/25 | Vianet Group plc | Vianet Group plc FY25 Trading Update | |
29/04/25 | SmartTech247 Group plc | SmartTech247 Group plc 1H25 Results | |
29/04/25 | Fadel Partners, Inc. | Fadel Partners, Inc. FY24 Results | |
30/04/25 | Maintel Holdings Plc | Maintel Holdings plc FY24 Results | |
May 2025 |
08/05/25 | Tialis Essential IT PLC | Tialis Essential IT PLC FY24 Results | |
12/05/25 | Team Internet Group plc | Team Internet Group plc 1Q25 Results | |
12/05/25 | Cerillion plc | Cerillion plc 1H25 Results | |
13/05/25 | Redcentric Plc | Redcentric plc FY25 Trading Update | |
19/05/25 | Bigblu Broadband plc | Bigblu Broadband plc FY24 Results | |
19/05/25 | Nexxen International Ltd. | Nexxen International Ltd. 1Q25 Results | |
20/05/25 | GetBusy Plc | GetBusy plc FY24 AGM | |
21/05/25 | KRM22 Plc | KRM22 plc FY24 Results | |
22/05/25 | K3 Business Technology Group PLC | K3 Business Technology Group plc FY24 AGM | |
23/05/25 | Pulsar Group PLC | Pulsar Group PLC FY24 Results | |
28/05/25 | SmartTech247 Group plc | SmartTech247 Group plc FY24 AGM | |
30/05/25 | Pulsar Group PLC | Pulsar Group PLC FY24 AGM | |
June 2025 |
03/06/25 | Eleco Plc | Eleco plc FY24 AGM | |
10/06/25 | iomart Group plc | iomart Group plc FY25 Results | |
10/06/25 | Vianet Group plc | Vianet Group plc FY25 Results | |
17/06/25 | Intercede Group plc | Intercede Group plc FY25 Results | |
18/06/25 | Maintel Holdings Plc | Maintel Holdings plc FY24 AGM | |
19/06/25 | Filtronic plc | Filtronic plc FY25 Trading Update | |
20/06/25 | Bigblu Broadband plc | Bigblu Broadband plc FY24 AGM | |
20/06/25 | KRM22 Plc | KRM22 plc FY24 AGM | |
25/06/25 | Pebble Beach Systems Group PLC | Pebble Beach Systems Group plc FY24 AGM | |
25/06/25 | Tialis Essential IT PLC | Tialis Essential IT PLC FY24 AGM | |
26/06/25 | Crimson Tide Plc | Crimson Tide Plc FY24 AGM | |
26/06/25 | Engage XR Holdings PLC | ENGAGE XR Holdings PLC FY24 AGM | |
July 2025 |
04/07/25 | 1Spatial Plc | 1Spatial Plc FY25 AGM | |
07/07/25 | Pulsar Group PLC | Pulsar Group PLC 1H25 Results | |
07/07/25 | Quartix Technologies PLC | Quartix Technologies plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
08/07/25 | Celebrus Technologies PLC | Celebrus Technologies PLC FY25 Results | |
16/07/25 | K3 Business Technology Group PLC | K3 Business Technology Group plc 1H25 Results | |
17/07/25 | KRM22 Plc | KRM22 plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
17/07/25 | Vianet Group plc | Vianet Group plc FY25 AGM | |
21/07/25 | Arcontech Group PLC | Arcontech Group plc FY25 Trading Update | |
21/07/25 | Fonix plc | Fonix plc FY25 Trading Update | |
22/07/25 | Audioboom Group PLC | Audioboom Group plc 1H25 Results | |
22/07/25 | SRT Marine Systems plc | SRT Marine Systems plc FY25 Trading Update | |
22/07/25 | Cordel Group PLC | Cordel Group plc FY25 Trading Update | |
23/07/25 | Audioboom Group PLC | Audioboom Group plc FY24 AGM | |
23/07/25 | Nexteq PLC | Nexteq PLC 1H25 Trading Update | |
24/07/25 | Eleco Plc | Eleco plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
24/07/25 | Pebble Beach Systems Group PLC | Pebble Beach Systems Group plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
28/07/25 | DotDigital Group PLC | dotDigital Group plc FY25 Trading Update | |
28/07/25 | Quartix Technologies PLC | Quartix Technologies plc 1H25 Results | |
29/07/25 | Filtronic plc | Filtronic plc FY25 Results | |
30/07/25 | Fadel Partners, Inc. | Fadel Partners, Inc. 1H25 Trading Update | |
August 2025 |
05/08/25 | Engage XR Holdings PLC | ENGAGE XR Holdings PLC 1H25 Trading Update | |
07/08/25 | Celebrus Technologies PLC | Celebrus Technologies PLC FY25 AGM | |
07/08/25 | Maintel Holdings Plc | Maintel Holdings plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
11/08/25 | Team Internet Group plc | Team Internet Group plc 1H25 Results | |
14/08/25 | Redcentric Plc | Redcentric plc FY25 Results | |
19/08/25 | Fadel Partners, Inc. | Fadel Partners, Inc. FY24 AGM | |
20/08/25 | Pebble Beach Systems Group PLC | Pebble Beach Systems Group plc 1H25 Results | |
21/08/25 | Nexxen International Ltd. | Nexxen International Ltd. 1H25 Results | |
27/08/25 | PCI-PAL PLC | PCI-PAL plc FY25 Trading Update | |
29/08/25 | Bigblu Broadband plc | Bigblu Broadband plc 1H25 Results | |
September 2025 |
01/09/25 | Arcontech Group PLC | Arcontech Group plc FY25 Results | |
02/09/25 | GetBusy Plc | GetBusy plc 1H25 Results | |
02/09/25 | iomart Group plc | iomart Group plc FY25 AGM | |
04/09/25 | SmartTech247 Group plc | SmartTech247 Group plc FY25 Trading Update | |
09/09/25 | Eleco Plc | Eleco plc 1H25 Results | |
09/09/25 | Nexteq PLC | Nexteq PLC 1H25 Results | |
09/09/25 | Tialis Essential IT PLC | Tialis Essential IT PLC 1H25 Results | |
18/09/25 | Engage XR Holdings PLC | ENGAGE XR Holdings PLC 1H25 Results | |
18/09/25 | Maintel Holdings Plc | Maintel Holdings plc 1H25 Results | |
23/09/25 | Fonix plc | Fonix plc FY25 Results | |
24/09/25 | Intercede Group plc | Intercede Group plc FY25 AGM | |
24/09/25 | KRM22 Plc | KRM22 plc 1H25 Results | |
24/09/25 | Fadel Partners, Inc. | Fadel Partners, Inc. 1H25 Results | |
25/09/25 | Crimson Tide Plc | Crimson Tide Plc 1H25 Results | |
25/09/25 | Redcentric Plc | Redcentric plc FY25 AGM | |
30/09/25 | iomart Group plc | iomart Group plc 1H26 Trading Update | |
October 2025 |
01/10/25 | SRT Marine Systems plc | SRT Marine Systems plc FY25 Results | |
07/10/25 | Intercede Group plc | Intercede Group plc 1H26 Trading Update | |
08/10/25 | Arcontech Group PLC | Arcontech Group plc FY25 AGM | |
13/10/25 | 1Spatial Plc | 1Spatial Plc 1H26 Results | |
14/10/25 | Audioboom Group PLC | Audioboom Group plc 3Q25 Trading Update | |
14/10/25 | Quartix Technologies PLC | Quartix Technologies plc 3Q25 Trading Update | |
20/10/25 | Cerillion plc | Cerillion plc FY25 Trading Update | |
21/10/25 | PCI-PAL PLC | PCI-PAL plc FY25 Results | |
24/10/25 | Celebrus Technologies PLC | Celebrus Technologies PLC 1H26 Trading Update | |
30/10/25 | Filtronic plc | Filtronic plc FY25 AGM | |
31/10/25 | Nexteq PLC | Nexteq PLC FY25 Trading Update | |
November 2025 |
03/11/25 | Vianet Group plc | Vianet Group plc 1H26 Trading Update | |
04/11/25 | Cordel Group PLC | Cordel Group plc FY25 Results | |
05/11/25 | DotDigital Group PLC | dotDigital Group plc FY25 Results | |
06/11/25 | Fadel Partners, Inc. | Fadel Partners, Inc. FY25 Trading Update | |
10/11/25 | Team Internet Group plc | Team Internet Group plc 3Q25 Results | |
14/11/25 | Nexxen International Ltd. | Nexxen International Ltd. 3Q25 Results | |
17/11/25 | Cerillion plc | Cerillion plc FY25 Results | |
18/11/25 | Fonix plc | Fonix plc FY25 AGM | |
19/11/25 | Redcentric Plc | Redcentric plc 1H26 Results | |
25/11/25 | Intercede Group plc | Intercede Group plc 1H26 Results | |
26/11/25 | iomart Group plc | iomart Group plc 1H26 Results | |
December 2025 |
02/12/25 | Celebrus Technologies PLC | Celebrus Technologies PLC 1H26 Results | |
02/12/25 | Cordel Group PLC | Cordel Group plc FY25 AGM | |
02/12/25 | Vianet Group plc | Vianet Group plc 1H26 Results | |
10/12/25 | PCI-PAL PLC | PCI-PAL plc FY25 AGM | |
17/12/25 | K3 Business Technology Group PLC | K3 Business Technology Group plc FY25 Trading Update | |
19/12/25 | Nexxen International Ltd. | Nexxen International Ltd. FY24 AGM | |
January 2026 |
30/01/26 | Fadel Partners, Inc. | Fadel Partners, Inc. FY25 Trading Update | |
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